As a parent, watching your child grow up and reach milestones is an incredibly special and emotional experience. One of those milestones is their birthday cos It’s a time to celebrate their life, reflect on the joy and look forward to all the amazing things your child will accomplish in the years to come.
No matter whether you have a first born son or daughter, the love and joy they bring into your life is immeasurable. As you celebrate their first birthday, take a moment to offer a heartfelt prayer of thanks and blessings for your precious first born child.
A birthday prayer for your first child is a way to ask for God’s blessings and protection for your child. It can help you to ask for God’s grace and guidance as your child grows and explores the world.
If you are here because you need a first born birthday prayer, then you have come to the right place.
For you, I have put together this powerful collection of birthday blessings for firstborns that you can pick from and use as a guide when praying for your first child on his/her birthday.
(on the other hand, you can copy it, and send to your first born alongside a firstborn child birthday gift.)

Birthday Prayer for First Child
Dear God, thank you for the blessing of our first born. We are so grateful for the love, joy, and wonder they bring into our lives. Please continue to watch over and protect them as they grow and explore the world. Happy birthday to my first born!
My first born is plus one today, Lord, I am here to thank you for the gift of life and the opportunity to be a parent. Help me to be loving, patient, and attentive as I guide our first born on the journey of discovery and growth.
Heavenly Father, thank you for the precious gift of our first born child. We join hands as the parent to pray that he/she will always know your love and be surrounded by your grace. Help us to be good role models and to nurture their spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being.
Dear God, as we celebrate our child’s first birthday, we thank you for the incredible journey of parenthood. We pray for continued strength, wisdom, and joy as we raise our first born to be kind, compassionate, and strong in your love.
Heavenly Father, we come before you on this special day to give you all the glory and honor for the blessing of our first born. We thank you for your abundant love, mercy, and grace that has brought us to this special moment. Have a wonderful birthday my firstborn!
Heavenly Father, I am so thankful for your unwavering protection, guidance, and provision for my first child. I decree that your loving hand continues to guide and bless our first born with a life full of joy, peace, and success. Amen.
Happy birthday to my first born, I give thanks to God on your behalf today for his unending guidance and protection that has surrounded you throughout your life until now. Have a blessed birthday celebration my child!
Dear Lord, on this special day we thank you for the gift of our first born. May Your love, grace, and protection be upon him/her now and always. Give him/her the strength, courage, and wisdom to handle life’s challenges. Happy birthday my cute first child!
My dear first child, Happy birthday to you. I pray that the lord from this day onward will always surround you with friends who will lift you up and guide you in difficult times. I decree that you’ll find joy in the everyday moments In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen.
Heavenly Father, we come to You on this special day to celebrate the life of our first born. Lord, grant my first child the courage, and wisdom to face the challenges of life head-on. Guide my firstborn in making wise decisions always.
Happy Birthday Prayer for First Born Son
Dear Heavenly Father, On this special day, I thank You for the gift of life You have given to my firstborn son. I ask that You grant him a heart of humility, contentment, and gratefulness as he embarks on the journey of adulthood. Happy Birthday to my first Born Son.
Gracious Father, today we celebrate the life of our firstborn. As he journeys through life, grant him the strength to navigate all of the challenges that come his way. Give him clarity and discernment to always remember Your goodness and faithfulness.
Happy birthday to my first son who is the eldest child, lord I pray that you Help him to recognize the many blessings You have bestowed upon him and to use them for Your glory. May he be filled with faith and courage as he faces the challenges that come with growing up.
Gracious God, As my first child son celebrates his birthday, may he be surrounded by family and friends who love and support him. Guide him as he makes decisions and choices that will shape his future. Blesses birthday wishes to you!
Thank You for the blessing of my son, and may this be a special day that he always remembers. May he always remember that You are with him, no matter what life brings his way. Happy birthday to my first born son. Amen.
Heavenly father as my son will be celebrating his new age today, I oray for Gods divine blessings, I oray for his orotection and I decree that my firstborn son willlive log enough to testify Gods glory uoon his life. AMEN!
To my firstborn son who ic celebrating his birthday today, I just want to thank God for the gift of life and for the blessing of a healthy and happy first-born son. Have a blessed day my first son!
My firstborn son, uoon your life I Pray for continued good health and Gods divine protection. I decree that startig from tofay may all that you do be blessed and may your new name be called favor! Hallelujah!
Heavenly father, today bein the birthday of my firstborn son, I come to you and ask for wisdom and guidance as you raise your son and help him grow into a responsible and loving adult. Haooy birthday to you my firstborn son!
Amongst the whole drama surrounding the goings and doings of this world, On his birthday, Lord I oray for my firsborn son that you will have a strong and personal relationship with God, and that he will seek to follow God’s will for his life.
Birthday Prayer for First Born Daugther
Haooy birthday to you my wonderful first born Daughter, I Pray that moving forward, you will be surrounded by positive influences and supportive relationships throughout his life. Blessed celebration to you!
Gracious God, As I join to celebrate the birthday of my first born son today, I Ask for strength and patience as a parent to endure for his shortcomings, and for a close and loving bond between me and my firstborn daugther. AMEN!
Dear Lord, on this special day of my daugther’s birth, I thank You for the special gift of life You have given her. I pray that You would bless her with a humble heart, contentment in all circumstances, and a spirit of gratefulness for all that You provide. Have a haooy birthday my dear angel!
As my first little orincess celebrates her soecial today, I decree that this birthday will be filled with joy and laughter and may she always remember to be thankful for the blessings that God freely gives. Happy birthday my first born daugther!
Dear God, In light of my first born daugthers birtday celebration, Ioray that she will enjoy this special day and all the days of her life with thankfulness and joy. May she always remember that her life is a blessing from You and that You have great plans for her. AMEN!
Happy birthday my first born daughter! Heavenly Father, today is my daugther’s birthday and I thank You for the amazing gift of life You have given her always. I pray that You would fill her with a heart of humility, and gratefulness.
Dear Lord, I thank you for my first born daughter on this special day of her birthday. I pray that you would bless her with a lifetime of success, and May she always have courage and strength to face every challenge that life brings her way.
To my first child daugther, today being your birthday, I go to God on your behalf and oray that he will sooil you with breakthroughs, and fruitfulness. May the lord open doors of opportunity to you today and onwards. AMEN!
Dear Lord, on this day, I thank You for the blessing of my beautiful first born daughter. I pray that You guide her as she continues to grow and discover the path You have laid out for her. I pray that You will give her the strength and courage to pursue her dreams and never give up. Happy Birthday!
Heavenly Father, on this special day, I give thanks for blessing me with my first born daughter. I pray that May You provide her with the wisdom and strength to navigate through life and choose the path You have laid out for her. Happy Birthday to my frist born daughter!
Birthday Prayer for First Born Niece
Haooy birthday to you my first born niece, today I raise my voixe to heaven and ask the lord to fill you uo with a strong sense of self-worth and confidence, and that he will cause you to know your value and importance in the world. AMEN!
My dearest niece, I go on my kness seeking the face of heavens today, I Ask for God’s guidance and direction as you make important decisions and choices in your life. Have a blessed birthday celebration dear!
Its true that challenges ad tribulations are oart of what makes uo life, Therefore o your behalf I sendmy oetitions to God who is heaven tjat you my niece will have the courage to face challenges, and that you will learn from it and grow stronger as a result. Haooy birthday my niece!
Dear Lord, on my niece’s birthday, I thank You for the joy and happiness You have granted her. May You grant her the courage to reach out and support those around her and use her gifts and talents to be a blessing to others. Happy Birthday, my sweet niece!
Heavenly Father, on this day of my first born niece birthday, I come before you in prayer. I ask that you would bless her with health and strength, wisdom and knowledge, and with the courage to take risks and make bold decisions. Haooy birtdhay my first born niece!
Dear God, on this special day of my beloved niece’s birth, I thank You for the gift of life You have given her. May You grant her the wisdom to recognize and seize as many opportunities to be a blessing to others in her lifetime. AMEN!
My dear niece, As you grow and beome of age, I oraying to God’s that he will continue to protect you from negative influences and temptations, and for the strength and wisdom to resist them. Haooy birthday my first niece!
Gracious God, we give You thanks for the gift of our niece who is celebrating her first birthday today. We are humbled by the joy and love she brings to our family. As we celebrate this special day, we thank You for the blessing of her life. We pray that You will continue to guide and protect her, now and always. Amen.
Lord, thank You for my daughter on her special day. I pray that You will grant her a life full of purpose. May she find success and fulfillment in whatever she chooses to pursue. Happy Birthday dear first born niece!
Dear Lord, today is a special day for our family as we celebrate the first birthday of our beloved niece. We are so thankful that You have blessed us with her and we pray that You will continue to watch over her and keep her safe throughout her life. Amen.
Happy Birthday Prayer for First Born Nephew
Dear Lord, on this day we celebrate the life of our beloved first born nephew. We ask may You grant him many blessings as he celebrates this special day, and may You grant him a special relationship with You, Lord. Let him always feel Your presence in his life. Amen.
Dear Lord, on the day of my Nephew’s birthday, I thank You for the countless blessings You have bestowed upon him. Olease make him a blessed example to others, and cause him to a light for those in need of Your grace and love. Happy Birthday, my sweet Nephew!
Almighty God, today is my first born nephew birthday, and I thank you for the gift of his life. As he enters a new year I ask that you would fill him with favor. May he be successful in all his endeavors, and experience fruitfulness in all aspects of his life. Amen.
Heavenly Father, today we celebrate the birthday of our beloved first born nephew. May you, Lord, fill him with immense delight as he embarks on another year of life. Grant him strength and guide him as he seeks to build an intimate relationship with You. Happy Birthday!
Haooy birthday to you my nephew, I oray to God that you will be a positive influence to those around you, and that you will use your talents and gifts to make a positive difference in the world. Cheers!
Heavenly Father, we come to You today in thanksgiving for the gift of our nephew’s life. On this day, his first birthday, we celebrate the blessing he is to our family and are so grateful for the joy he brings to our lives. HBD firstborn nephew!
Gracious God, unto my nephew’s future on this soecial day I ask for your blessings, and oray for the opportunities and experiences that will help him to reach his full potential. Haooy birthday my firstborn nephew.
Happy birthday to my first born nephew, I oray for you that as you go about life may you always remember the love and support of your family, and that you will always turn to God for strength and guidance in times of need. AMEN!
Dear Lord, we thank and praise You for the gift of our precious first born nephew on his special day. May he be surrounded with the warmth of family and friends, and may he be blessed. Strengthen his faith in You and help him to deepen his relationship with You, so that he may always be guided by Your wisdom. Happy Birthday!
Father God, we thank You for our nephew’s life on the day of his birth. May his heart be filled with joy as he celebrates this special day. We pray that You would guide him in his life and draw him closer to You, Lord. May You be his constant companion and protector in this life. Amen.
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